Awaken your magic:
Therapy for sensitive souls ready to live authentically
Short-term archetypal therapy programs to help you to embrace your sensuality, wisdom, and confidence.
Connect with your authentic sexuality with 3 simple practices:

You may have been told that you are too sensitive, that you should “get over” your past hurtful experiences or traumas, or that you need to “just fix” your sexual concerns. And you may have internalized these painful messages because you do feel things deeply and it’s hard to feel like you fit into this world.
There is a part of you that wants so much to feel free to be your full authentic self and to connect with your own inner knowing. It’s hard to know if that’s even possible, though. And you’ve started to feel existential dread because the world just feels so f*cked up sometimes, and you are scared to be who you really are. It’s hard to say “no” or share your basic needs, let alone be your unapologetically sensitive, witchy, or unconventional self. This makes the connections that you crave feel so hard to manage. It even affects your relationship with your partner and your sex life.
And speaking of sex… it comes with so much baggage. Sex might hurt or just feel blah. Maybe you can’t orgasm or get an erection. Or you don’t feel desire, or you don’t feel sexually present because you can’t stop getting in your head. And because you are someone who craves depth, authenticity, and connection, this feels especially painful.
This part of you that has been wanting to embrace authenticity and feel free has been getting louder and louder. It’s not letting you push it away anymore. It’s telling you that things can be different; that there is a path towards truly living your life. That your sexuality, body, relationship, and authenticity are all sacred. And that there is magic in this journey, whether that’s exploring new layers of sexuality, deep sensual and emotional union with your partner, or embracing your unique self that simply doesn’t fit into a nice little box.
Maybe it’s time for a different approach.
Hello fellow human!
I’m so glad you’re here.
I’m Giulietta, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and AASECT Certified Sex Therapist.
I, too, am a sensitive person who knows the pain and joy of this journey, and I welcome all the parts of you. I created Aphrodite Counseling because, throughout my twelve years as a therapist, I have learned that the typical therapy approach doesn’t work for everyone. I work with people that want a therapist that is real and can meet you where you’re at; a therapist that will do a happy dance with excitement when you meet your goals, that embraces your sensitivity and uniqueness, and that can help you talk about all of your deepest sexual concerns and hopes judgment-free.
The people I work with also want real solutions. They don’t want to rely on a therapist forever. They want to access their own wisdom and empowerment so that they can trust their ability to fully thrive, even in difficult times.
Aphrodite Counseling was named after Aphrodite, the goddess of sexuality, pleasure, and love because, ultimately, this is what I help people experience and deepen. My approach is unique in that it blends archetypal therapy with concrete, solution-focused therapy skills to help you access your true, wise, and flourishing self.
I have created several types of offerings that can support you on your journey of healing, pleasure, and authenticity. These include: short-term, archetypal therapy programs, in-depth individual and couples therapy, self-paced courses, and free educational content, meditations, and articles.
I would love to connect with you and explore which path will most support your unique journey toward healing, pleasure, and authentic living.
- Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol
MA, CST, LMFT #94539
She / Her / Hers

What are archetypes?
Do you ever feel like you keep playing out the same roles at work, with your family, in your relationships, and even when you are having sex? Archetypes help us to get to know these roles with a sense of self-compassion and clarity. Through exploring archetypes, you can start to understand why you take on these roles and how you can live a life that feels more intentional, balanced, and authentic.
Archetypes are universal. They are found throughout human history and throughout so many diverse cultures. They show up in myths, fairytales, movies, and in our daily personal lives. You may have even heard of some of them: The Hero, the Caregiver, the Lover.
My archetypal therapy programs mainly focus on archetypes found in Greek and Roman mythology. They also incorporate archetypes and symbolism connected with the moon, the Earth, seasons, and animals (especially cats 🐈). This work is deep and healing, but also can be so fun! Greek goddess drama, cats, stories of empowerment and pleasure… what’s there not to love?
This archetypal exploration can help you to:
Become more self-compassionate
Embrace your authenticity in all areas of your life
Connect with your partner more deeply
Feel more sexually authentic and confident
Discover new layers of meaning, purpose, passion, and vitality

“Dear wise, sensitive ones, don’t be so quick to pathologize yourself. How beautiful that your body speaks up so clearly as a barometer for truth, love, health, and safety and makes such a wild protest in their absence.”
-Chelan Harkin
Your wisdom is calling to you, telling you that, underneath all the painful messages and experiences, you already have the answers that you need. Archetypes are here to show you just that. To help you own who you truly are, trust in yourself again, and live a full life.