Sensate focus for couples
Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol

Sensate focus for couples

Sensate focus was developed in the 1960s by Masters and Johnson, two pioneers in the study and research of human sexuality. Sensate focus was developed to help couples reduce spectatoring when having sex, which is the experience of getting in your head and focusing on performance versus pleasure and presence during sex. Examples of spectatoring could include thinking about your body or your sexual performance, worrying about how your partner is viewing you or about their sexual satisfaction, or feeling disconnected from your body and your physical sensations. 

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What is sex therapy?
Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol

What is sex therapy?

Sex therapy is a form of psychotherapy that specializes in addressing sexual concerns such as pain during sex, erectile disorder, low desire, or difficulty orgasming. Sex therapy can also help individuals and couples increase sexual and relationship satisfaction. 

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Trauma focused self-care during medical appointments
Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol

Trauma focused self-care during medical appointments

There are so many ways that we can practice self-care. Attending medical appointments typically isn’t something that we consider as self-care, but it can be an important aspect of caring for ourselves and our bodies.

If you have experienced trauma or had negative healthcare experiences, the idea of attending a medical appointment, especially for things such as pap smears, breast exams, or urology appointments, can be overwhelming.

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Finding the right therapist for you
Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol

Finding the right therapist for you

A positive therapeutic alliance has been linked to having a successful experience in therapy. It is important to feel safe, supported, and empowered throughout the therapy process. Each client comes into therapy with unique experiences, strengths, and concerns just like each therapist has their own unique perspective, training and education, and approach.

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