The Witch Archetype: Part 2

In continuing our exploration of the witch archetype, we will delve into the maiden, crone, and sexuality aspects of this archetype. 

The Maiden and crone:  

The witch archetype is deeply connected with the Earth and the seasons. We see the witch reflected in our life cycles and aging, the seasons, and the cycles of the moon. Most of us are disconnected from these cycles. We stay on our phones late into the night, we don’t rest when we are tired, we don’t eat when we are hungry, and we don’t drink when we are thirsty. We are often encouraged to push our body’s needs away and to ignore our connection to the Earth and to our own life and body’s cycles. If you menstruate, you may have been taught that this should be ignored or hidden, that you should not take time to rest or take care of yourself if you need to. If you are aging, you may have been taught that you shouldn’t feel sexual, empowered, or have a voice.

The crone and maiden aspects of the witch are deeply connected with the Earth’s cycles and our life cycles. There is wisdom and power in both the maiden and crone energies of the witch. When we see the witch archetype in stories, the media, and in myths, she is often shown as either a young maiden or as an older crone figure. The maiden represents the youthful feminine aspect of ourselves (we all hold these archetypes no matter our gender identity). She shows us our capacity for hope, potential, playfulness, and new beginnings. The maiden is innocent, spirited, and on a journey of growth and self-understanding.

The crone represents our sacred feminine elder wisdom. This archetypal aspect of the witch shows us that we can live through suffering, pain, joy, and pleasure and emerge with a deep connection to ourselves, the Earth, and empowerment. The crone shows us our capacity to transform. It shows us that aging and embracing our life cycles are inherent to our journey, to our healing, and to our growth. 

Both the maiden and crone aspects of the witch support us on our journey of wholeness and living with embodiment and in alignment with our cycles. 

Reflection questions: 

  • What connects me to my body?

  • Do I feel more connected to the maiden or the crone aspect of the witch?

  • What messages have I carried from my youth? Around sexuality? Around self-worth? Around pleasure? 

  • What messages have I carried around aging? Aging and sexuality? Aging and self-worth?

Wild sexuality and Sexual disconnection: 

The witch archetype has been shown to be both disconnected from sexuality and tapped into a wild, raw, spiritual and embodied sexuality. When we see the elder witch in stories, she is often an isolated hermit in the woods or a shut out from society. She is disconnected from sexuality and her beauty. This message of disconnect is a powerful and painful message that we may have internalized. Perhaps you have been taught that you cannot enjoy your sexuality as you age, that your body needs to look a certain way to feel pleasure, or that your authentic sexuality is not sacred or acceptable and should be cast away, pushed down, or repressed. 

The cycle of healing and wholeness for the witch archetype involves empowerment and an embracing of oneself. It is reclaiming your worth; recognizing that your body deserves to be honored, respected, and to experience pleasure, joy, and safety. 

The other sexual aspect of the witch archetype that has been shown throughout history is the witch as a wild sexual being, liberated from societal norms. Like the crone aspect of the witch, this type of sexuality has also been shamed, judged, and shunned. Healing these messages involves, again, connecting with empowerment and reclaiming your worth. It is recognizing that this raw, deep sexuality is part of our vitality, part of our experience of being alive, being connected to ourselves, our bodies, and our partners. There is wisdom and sacredness to be discovered in this energy. 

Healing these messages and connecting with our own authenticity and wholeness is a journey. The first step is recognizing our fears and our internalized messages:

In what ways have you been taught:

  • That you need to be small and not make waves? 

  • That your pleasure is not valid? 

  • That your safety is not important? 

  • That your authentic self is not acceptable? 

  • What other messages have you received or internalized?

Once we recognize the messages that we carry, we can make an intentional choice to start to shed them, peel back the layers and connect with our true selves from a place of empowerment, deep wisdom, and wholeness. 


Understanding sexual trauma responses


The Witch Archetype: Part 1