The Witch Archetype: Part 1

The witch is an archetype that has been part of multiple cultures throughout history. The witch archetype is complex, representing multiple dualities- persecution and freedom, dangerous destructor and sacred wise healer, the maiden and crone, wild sexuality and disconnected sexuality. 

Through connecting with the witch archetype, we are offered a portal into our own wisdom, our own duality, and our own authenticity. Each aspect of the witch is complex and layered. Through self-reflection we can begin our path towards wholeness and inner healing. 

Persecution and freedom:
History has shown the dangers to those that go their own path or who are different than what society deems acceptable. The witch trials saw the death of thousands of people. In modern days, people are ostracized, physically and emotionally harmed, and denied their basic rights because of who they are, who they love, and for being their unique authentic selves. We may have internalized messages that we are not safe being who we are, that we shouldn’t feel embodied or joyful, or that pleasure and self-love are not attainable. If this has been your experience, the witch archetype can be deeply healing. 

The witch honors your experience, that there are very real dangers and shame in this society. It also provides a path to support you in connecting with your own unique liberation and freedom. While this outward path looks different to all of us depending on our life circumstances, this inner journey can lead to wholeness and a deeper level of self-compassion and sensual embodiment. 

Reflection questions: 

  • In what ways have I been taught that I can’t be who I truly am?

  • What do I want to learn to embrace about myself?

  • What would help me feel more free to be who I am?

  • What would help me feel more free sexually?

Dangerous destructor and sacred wise healer:

The witch has been associated with destruction and danger. From the scary witch in the gingerbread house in Hansel and Gretel to the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz. When we reflect on this destructive aspect of the witch archetype, we are invited to deepen our inner awareness and mindfulness. In what ways have we not been mindful? In what ways have we allowed rage, sorrow, or jealousy to take over and lead us away from our true selves? 

The way of the witch is not to cut these parts of ourselves off or push them away, but to honor them with mindfulness and embodiment so that we can move through these emotions instead of feeling stuck and so that we can act in alignment with our values, our authentic selves, and with mindfulness.

Just as the witch has been associated with danger and destruction, the witch archetype has also been connected with healing, midwifery, herbs, sacred witchcraft, and medicine. The witch archetype shows us that we can too be healers for ourselves. That we all innately have deep wisdom and healing qualities. We can care for ourselves with softness and compassion, provide that sacred space for our wounds, our traumas, our pain. Through holding space for our wounded selves as well as our shadow selves, we can find our ways towards joy, self-connection, and pleasure. 

Reflection questions: 

  • What would feel nurturing to myself?

  • How can I connect with the healer aspect of myself?

  • In what ways have I not been mindful of my reactions? 

  • In what ways have I tried to numb pain?

In part 2, we will deepen our journey of the witch. We will explore the wisdom and empowerment of the crone and maiden aspects of this archetype. We will also access our wild, sacred sexuality and examine how sexual disconnection can be a shadow aspect of the witch.


The Witch Archetype: Part 2


Persephone Archetype: Sexual healing, empowerment, and wholeness