Your journey awaits:

Archetypal wisdom for sensitive souls

A unique, short-term, solution-focused approach to living authentically and confidently

Giulietta Madrigal-Pingol, MA

Certified Sex Therapist
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #94539

Let’s face it, being sensitive in this world and really owning that sensitivity is not easy. We are constantly bombarded with messages about how we “should” be. It feels safer to go inward and to try to shut down parts of ourselves. You might be going through the motions in your daily life and acting out the roles that have been put on you, but there is a deep inner part of you tugging at you, telling you that something needs to change. 

When you go inwards and listen to this inner knowing that has been tugging at you more and more, you realize that you long to feel the immense joy of being fully, authentically yourself. You are just so tired of judging yourself and shutting down your vitality and uniqueness.

You long to awaken your wildness and embody your sacredness. You feel called to go inwards and discover your purpose and to find meaning. You crave depth with your partner; you want to feel the kind of connection that makes your whole body come alive. You are starting to recognize that you are not wired to thrive in a life that is on autopilot and that stays on the surface. 

All this time, when the answer felt like conforming, hiding, and changing yourself, your true journey was coming back home to your own wisdom and working with your authentic self instead of against it.

I have created a unique approach to helping people just like you to tap into your own wisdom, healing, and transformation. This powerful journey blends evidence-based therapy, archetypal psychology, educational resources, mindfulness skills, and embodiment practices; all designed to help you flourish and meet your goals through a short-term, solution focused program.

I know what it’s like to want more from your life, to want to be your true self, and to be ready to break free of old patterns, shame, and fear, but not know how. I will work with you from a place of deep authenticity, having walked this path myself and walked alongside hundreds of people in their healing journeys over the past twelve years I have been a therapist.

Together, we will listen deeply to the part of you that has been calling out, telling you that life can be so much more. The part of you that longs to feel free and connect with your unique expression of authenticity, sensuality, confidence, and embodiment.

Archetypal therapy programs may be right for you if you want to:

  • Experience deeper self-acceptance and self-compassion

  • Embrace your sexuality

  • Have more sexual and sensual pleasure

  • Live a life that feels more balanced and joyful

  • Discover new aspects of your authentic self

  • Embrace your sensitivity

  • Have a deeper sexual, emotional, and passionate connection with your partner

  • Let go of people pleasing, shame, and other patterns that no longer serve you

What are archetypes?

Have you ever watched a movie and felt totally connected with the hero on their journey? You felt the despair when they struggled and the joy and accomplishment when they overcame challenges.

Or maybe…

  • You sat under the moonlight and the stars and you felt completely at peace and one with the world and with the universe.

  • You felt this wild energy come over you when you had sex and afterwards thought “woah, what was that?!”

  • When someone around you is hurting, you instinctively feel the need to take care of them, no matter how much it might impact you.

  • You have always felt like the “black sheep.” You were always the one that didn’t quite fit in, whether it was at school, in your family, or in your career.

All of these are examples of connecting with archetypal energies. Archetypes are characteristics, symbols, and traits that have been present throughout history. They are universal and they connect us to each other, to all living beings, and to the Earth. We see them time and time again in movies, myths, literature, and in our daily lives.

Archetypes are here to help us find wholeness- to integrate and honor all the parts of us, to wake us up from autopilot and to help us to get to know our full selves. Archetypes offer us a portal to living with depth, authenticity, and self-compassion.

The beauty of healing through archetypes is that it is powerful, deep work, but also offers a portal to making concrete, intentional change in a way that feels fun, creative, and unique.

When we do this we can start to live a life that feels more intentional, mindful, and balanced. We can access new layers of authenticity, sensuality, and connection with others. We are finally able to feel more alive and vibrant.

The therapy programs and courses that I offer often incorporate Greek and Roman mythology. These characters and archetypes have their own journeys full of passion, drama, wisdom, and healing. Their journeys illuminate our own humanity, our own opportunities for growth and our own paths to authentic and joyful living.

Archetypal Therapy Programs

Each archetypal therapy program combines one-on-one sessions, educational content, guided meditations, and concrete solution-focused skills and practices to help you meet your goals.

Since each person’s journey is unique, I offer several therapy programs; each with an emphasis on different archetypal patterns and paths to healing.

Whether you are wanting to embrace your sexuality, discover your unique and authentic self, own your playfulness and creativity, or explore more depth with your partner, there is a program for you.

Aphrodite Embodied

This 6-session therapy program explores the Goddess Aphrodite archetype who represents qualities including pleasure, beauty, and sexuality. Through myth, mindfulness, and experiential practices you will be supported in deepening pleasure, awakening your sensuality and desire, and increasing self-confidence and body acceptance. This therapy program includes the educational course Aphrodite Embodied to support your therapy journey.

Embodied Masculine

This 8-session therapy program explores the masculine archetypes of Zeus, Hephaestus, Eros, Apollo, and Dionysus archetypes. Through a combination of concrete mindfulness skills, embodiment practices, and archetypal healing, you will be supported in building confidence, experiencing embodied pleasure, and deepening self-discovery. This program has been created for anyone who would like to explore masculine energy and archetypes. All gender identities are welcome.

Awakened intimacy for couples

This 10-session couples therapy program blends mindful and embodied sexuality practices, attachment based connecting exercises, and the archetypal exploration of the Eros and Psyche myth to support you and your partner in deepening your passion, pleasure, and erotic and emotional connection. Through a combination of couples therapy sessions, educational content, and concrete skills, you will be gently guided in discovering new layers of sexuality, intimacy, and depth. This couples therapy program is LGBTQIA+ affirming and inclusive.

Sacred Witch

This 8-session therapy program guides you on a deep journey of self-acceptance and authentic sexual expression. The Witch archetype shows us that we don’t have to play small and hide. It honors your uniqueness, your fears, your desires, and your journey towards freedom and true self-expression and joyful living. This program blends individual therapy sessions, guided meditations, educational videos, and journaling practices to support your journey towards deep self-honoring, authenticity, and passionate living.

Triple Goddess Journey

This 8-session therapy program will explore the Goddess of the Underworld Persephone, Goddess of harvest, fertility, and agriculture Demeter, and The Goddess magic, the moon, and crossroads Hecate. Persephone’s journey through trauma, integration, and wholeness is here to support you in connecting with your resilience, boundaries, sexual authenticity, and self-compassion. Through her myth, we will explore the archetypes of Demeter and Hecate. This trauma-informed therapy program will support you in honoring all the parts of you and trusting your resilience.

Cat Archetype

Calling all kindred cat spirits! This 6-session cat archetype program will help you connect with your inner cat. Through the cat archetype, you will be supported in honoring all of your dual natures: your playfulness and inner depth, your independence and connected nurturer, and your fierceness and softness. Healing and growth will be through the lens of the cat archetype, the witch archetype, and myths related to the goddesses Bast and Freya.

If you feel called to any of these programs, I’d love to connect. Schedule a free consultation with me to learn how to join the waitlist

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Each therapy program incorporates self-paced educational video modules, guided meditations, journaling prompts, and concrete skills to help you meet your goals. Therapy programs blend archetypal therapy with evidence-based practices to help you connect with your inner wisdom. Therapy programs are shorter term, with specified sessions and an outline.

    In my other therapy offerings, sessions are less structured and do not incorporate a guide such as an educational course. However, I may still offer resources such as articles, guided meditations, or journaling prompts. Our work together may be longer term and more in depth, particularly if you are wanting to heal from trauma, address ongoing sexual difficulties, or relationship concerns. In my other therapy offerings, I may incorporate archetypal therapy depending on if this feels supportive to you. We will collaborate together on your therapy journey.

  • Archetypal therapy program may be right for you or you and your partner if:

    • You are interested in a shorter-term, structured, and solution focused approach to therapy

    • You will be able to engage in educational material, practices, and journaling in between sessions

    • You are interested in archetypal approaches to therapy

    • You feel motivated and ready to make changes

    • You are not in crisis

    • You have specific goals that you would like to work on

    • You and your partner are not considering separation.

    • You and your partner feel like you are in a stable place in your relationship.

    Archetypal therapy programs may not be a right fit for you or you and your partner if:

    • you struggle with doing practices outside of session such as guided meditations, journaling, therapy practices, or watching educational videos

    • you are in crisis or needing intensive trauma therapy

    • you and your partner are going through crisis, considering separation, navigating trauma, infidelity, or significant resentments

    • you do not resonate with an archetypal approach

    • You feel you need longer term therapy to address your concerns

    • You do not resonate with a structured approach to therapy

  • In our first session, you will be supported in setting intentions for the archetypal therapy program.

    After this initial session, we will meet every other week. In the weeks between our sessions, you will have educational video modules, guided meditations, therapy skills, and journaling questions to support and guide you. We will explore and deepen the work that you did in these modules in each of our sessions.

    Our final session will be a reflection of your work in the program and we will create a plan with concrete practices and skills so that you can sustain the progress that you have made.

  • Yes! You will have lifetime access to the educational portion of the program and can come back to the self-paced portion of the program at any time.

  • Yes! Archetypes can be connected with “masculine” or “feminine” energy or traits, however, these are separate from gender identity. A part of archetypal therapy is a focus on the concept of wholeness, meaning embracing and honoring all the parts of us. Exploring our relationship with these masculine and feminine energies or traits can help us to more deeply explore gender identity and the internalized messages we have received around gender. Through this process, we can move into deeper layers of authenticity and self-knowing.

    The couples course has been created to be inclusive of LGBTQIA+ couples.

    Your gender identity will be honored throughout our work together.

  • Yes, each therapy program is trauma-informed. Having specialized in working with sexual trauma survivors, I consider trauma-informed practices and approaches in all therapy programs, educational offerings, and therapy sessions.

    Since archetypal therapy programs are shorter-term , structured, and solution focused, they are not able to support in-depth trauma therapy.

Your sensitivity and uniqueness don’t have to feel like a curse or like something you need to hide, judge, and get rid of. Within these parts of yourself, you have an immense well of deep sacredness, resilience, and wisdom.

The journeys of the divine Greek archetypes, the Witch archetype, and the Cat archetype are calling to you. They hold up a mirror to you; showing you your strength, your path towards growth, and your ability to flourish, just as you are.

Are you ready to connect with your inner wisdom?