Circe’s journey part 3 (witch archetype series)
Circe was cast away to an island for punishment. It was on this island that she connected with the Earth, plants, and her magical wisdom. In Madeline Miller’s book Circe, she described how Circe came home to herself through her banishment to the island. She found peace. She found her authenticity. She found connection with the sacredness of the plants, animals, and natural world that surrounded her.
In our modern day lives, we are often disconnected from our own body’s cycles, from the seasons, and from the Earth. We are encouraged to push through fatigue, illness, or pain. We are lauded for overworking. Our worth is based on what we do and what we accomplish versus what we experience.
But there is so much beauty in what we can experience in the day to day and in the moment. When we slow down and connect with the Earth and with nature, we can find wonderment. We can connect with magic- which symbolizes the inherent wisdom and sacredness within us, the universe, and Earth.
The other day, I went with my daughter to a little field near our home. She was so amazed by the grass, the ladybugs, the leaves; everything, even the smallest parts of nature, were so fascinating to her. Watching her experience this wonderment helped remind me of my own sense of wonderment and the moments where I feel deeply connected with the Earth and other living beings.
We often take nature, the seasons, and the life that surrounds us for granted. In our quest for success and acceptance, we can become disconnected from the very things that can ultimately transform and heal us.
Prior to her banishment, Circe was not living in alignment with her own self or with the life that she was meant to live. What was meant as punishment actually offered her the opportunity to come into herself and into her power.
We don’t have to be banished or punished to come into our own wisdom or authenticity. This process can be intentional, soft, and honoring to your unique experience. It can involve connecting with your senses when you are cooking or eating, checking in with yourself to see if you need sleep when you are watching a TV show or scrolling on your phone. It could even be as simple as smelling a flower or looking at the clouds and connecting with your breath and your body’s senses.
In reflecting on Circe’s journey and her archetypal qualities, we can explore what helps us with our own transformation. Through this connection with the Earth and natural cycles, we can find deeper meaning and access new layers of inner wisdom.
In what areas of life do you feel out of alignment with your body’s cycles?
What messages have you received around work? Food? Self-care?
What practices would help you to live more in alignment with your body’s needs and cycles?
Are there any nature based practices that feel supportive to you on your journey?
In next week’s blog, I will be continuing my exploration of Circe. We will delve into her path towards sexual empowerment and learn from her story. We will honor the shadow aspects of her journey and the wisdom that her myths can offer.