The call of the Witch Archetype: Journey of authenticity and self-exploration

Recently, I have felt the Witch Archetype speaking to me. Maybe it is speaking to you too. The Witch Archetype calls to us in many ways. You may feel like you don’t quite belong. You don’t fit into this world of binaries, of rigid conformity, or of a one-size-fits all approach to life, sexuality, gender, or work. You may feel drawn to the Earth, to the cosmos, or to the feeling of sacredness in your body. You might want to tap into new layers of your sexuality, release internalized shame, or delve into your creativity. Something deep within you is beckoning you to tap back into your vitality, your body, and your true authentic self. 

The deeper my exploration of the Witch Archetype goes, the more I am discovering multiple complex and layered aspects of this archetype. I will be continuing my archetypal therapy series with a focus on these diverse Witch Archetypes, myths, and stories. 

Archetypal exploration offers us an opportunity to see ourselves in new ways, to confront messages that no longer serve us, and to see our patterns with compassion and honesty. The Witch has been an archetype that has historically been steeped in shame, painful narratives, and a pathologizing approach to people that have walked their own path. Reclaiming this archetype, honoring it, and gently exploring all of its layers can help us on our own path of authenticity, pleasure, and joyful living. 

As we begin this journey of the Witch, you can reflect on the following questions:

  1. In what ways has the Witch archetype been calling to you?

  2. What are you feeling ready to explore about your life? Your sexuality? Your authentic self-expression?

  3. What fears do you experience around exploring the Witch archetype?

  4. What are you excited about in exploring the Witch archetype?

To begin the Witch Archetype journey, you can explore The Witch Archetype: Part 1 and The Witch Archetype: Part 2, where I have explored different dualities and aspects of the Witch that have been present in the media, myths, and stories. In follow up blog posts, I will continue to explore other aspects of the Witch, offering new layers of self-exploration, healing, and growth.


Circe’s journey: Part 1 (witch archetype series)


Enthusiastic consent: Deepening connection and introspection