Circe’s journey part 2 (witch archetype series)

Circe, witch, sorceress, and goddess, offers us many insights into healing and growth. Like so many archetypal stories and myths, she has her shadow side. She makes mistakes and acts out of jealousy and vengeance. Circe also shows us that, through exploring and honoring our shadows, we can transform. We can discover new parts of ourselves and live in alignment with our true selves. 

In the Odyssey, Odysseus was warned that Circe could and often did transform people into animals, including pigs, lions, and wolves. She also transformed the nymph Scylla into an ocean monster due to jealousy. This ability to transform is one of the first things that we learn about Circe. 

Us humans fear transformation. Change is inherently scary. It takes away our stability and throws us into unknown territory. Change is also necessary. Change is a part of life. The seasons change. Our bodies change. Our roles throughout our lives change. So much of society and the messages that we receive is that we should control this. Control the ways that our bodies change, control our aging. Keep comfortable. There isn’t anything wrong with this. It is human nature to want control. Circe and the witch archetype, forces us to confront change. I think that is a big part of why the witch archetype has been so feared throughout history. 

Change helps us grow. When we accept change, even if we don’t like it, we can start to acknowledge its gifts. Sometimes the career that we have been holding on so tightly to isn’t in alignment with our authentic passions. Sometimes the image of ourselves we have been projecting out to others keeps us small and constricted. Circe represents the force that makes us confront change. An illness. An existential crisis. A relationship ending. We have all had experiences that ultimately will impact our life path. Honoring the fear and also acknowledging the growth that can come with change is the first step in the Circe journey of transformation. 

Some reflection questions: 

  • What ways have you been fearing change?

  • When has change ended up being a positive in your life?

  • What needs to change in your life for you to live more authentically? 

    • With more joy? 

    • With more alignment with your values and true self?

    • With more connection with your partner?

As you reflected on these questions, what did you notice in your body? Were there any feelings of excitement when you thought of making changes? Any contraction or fear in your body? Transformation is hard. It’s vulnerable. Giving yourself space to explore all the emotions, sensations, and thoughts that come up around this topic can be deeply healing and can awaken so much of your inner wisdom. We will continue to explore Circe’s journey in the next blog post by delving into her connection with the Earth, nature, and her true self. 


A therapist’s witch archetype journey


Circe’s journey: Part 1 (witch archetype series)